ProxsysRx offers a broad range of pharmacy-related support services to hospitals. Their primary service relates to the “340B” law — which enables eligible non-profit hospitals to 1) refill outpatient prescriptions at a fraction of the market prices for the drugs, then 2) be compensated by drug manufacturers at full market prices. The goal is to help these hospitals fill-in the revenue gaps inherent in their business models.

ProxsysRx’s primary marketing problem was, they’d never clearly communicated exactly what they do, and how they benefit the hospitals they serve.


By August, 2023, less than two years after we launched our campaign targeting 340B-eligible health systems, ProxsysRx's reported "Savings For Patient Care & Support" had increased from $20M to $435M. By the end of 2023, the total exceeded half-a-billion dollars.

For more on that campaign, scroll down the page.

Website BEFORE Hare Communications

Old Logo

New Logo

Our First Project For ProxsysRx

Long before we'd completed the rebranding, ProxsysRx's executive team needed something printed they could hand-out at a trade show. We had two weeks to develop a concept, write copy, create original images, and design & print the handouts.

BTW: That neat plumbing contraption on the inside? We had it custom-made for the photo session.



ProxsysRx's New Website

That first project (above) was a nice stab at defining their core benefits to the hospitals they serve, given the time-frame involved. Their new website is what happened when we had the time to fully think-through ProxsysRx's brand message.

Click Here

Content Marketing / SEO Campaign

The initial market we targeted for ProxsysRx was 340B-eligible hospitals. Since October, 2021, we've published thirty-four 340B posts and a 8507-word 340B Pillar Post — which combines excerpted content from all 34 posts.

Before the campaign, ProxsysRx had only two 340B terms ranked in Google. Within two months, they ranked for fifty 340B-related keywords — with five in the Top 10.

Post 1

Post 2

Post 3

Post 4 

Pillar Post

Campaign Results (PDF)


Video-Player / Mailer Project

One of ProxsysRx's strategic partners recommended the idea, which had worked very well for him. The players, which launch automatically when the cover is opened, have 4-gig hard drives — more than enough capacity to fit five separate Explainer videos, introducing and outlining the key components of ProxsysRx's 340B program.

As thrilled as we all were (client and agency) with the produced videos, there's no question the player itself gives this project its Wow Factor.



Explainer Videos